Cracks in continuous casting: highligths of 25 years of RFCS research

A webinar of the VALCRA project focused on the main findings in the research area of cracks in continuous casting

The objective of the dissemination project „Valorisation and dissemination of RFCS projects results and experience in steel surface quality issues on as-cast crack formation“ (VALCRA) is to revisit the most important European projects related to the formation of cracks in continuous casting carried out in the last two and a half decades up to the project running period. The basic idea is that an action of dissemination and valorisation of the most important results, based on an integrated critical analysis of more than 50 funded projects, is useful to valorise, distribute and promote the exploitation of the results.
Also, the project intends to directly transfer the obtained objectives to the stakeholders of the steel sector, in particular for what concerns industry on one side, and, on the other side, the main players, starting from the European Commission, in the definition of the future objectives of the funded research programs.
In the frame of this EU-funded project, speakers from five organisations, which have participated in more than 30 RFCS projects in the last 25 years, will present the main findings in the research area of cracks in continuous casting in this introductory seminar. Attend the webinar to learn more about the continuous casting of steel.

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